09/12/2023 Webinar on wastewater and water recycling – VASYD, SWR, LUND
How do we recycle more water in society? This was the topic of the webinar organised by VASYD during the 7th of December. Together with Region Skåne, they gathered water and wastewater actors, decision-makers, municipalities and researchers who talked about ongoing projects in water recycling, challenges and questions which need answers
Questions like: what is the water and wastewater industry doing, how can authorities and municipalities contribute and drive and what can we learn from other countries?
Participants like Malmö stad, Svenskt Vatten, Österlen VA, REWAISE EU project, Sweden Water Research, RecoLab NSVA – Nordvästra Skånes Vatten och Avlopp, Lunds Universitet and many others attended this interesting online event.
16/11/2023 WINCubator meeting – WIN
WIN hosted an online WINCubator meeting called Navigating Water Needs in Hydrogen Production on the 16th of November. This event wanted to dive deep into the key role of hydrogen within the renewable energy sector as well as the preservation of water resources.
The meeting attracted a wide range of attendees, with participation from utilities, research, industry, investors and a lot of startup companies. After the presentations of several entities, WIN facilitated business matchmaking sessions through their WIN Mingle Map to connect different professionals and enable valuable contacts.
07/11/2023 CIRSEAU Cross-fertilization workshop on stakeholder engagement – WE&B, Coventry University
During two hours of the 7th of November, the CIRSEAU cluster – formed by five water projects: B-WaterSmart, ULTIMATE, Water Mining, Wider Uptake and REWAISE – presented a very interesting and insightful online workshop on stakeholder engagement. The goal was to present tasks carried out and lessons learned when engaging with stakeholders from the water sector.
All projects provided their perspective and, before closing the event, answered to the questions and suggestions from the attendees. REWAISE was represented by
24/10/2023 Vatten2023 – WIN Water
The water industry together with the Swedish Fair organised Vatten2023: Sweden’s largest meeting place in water and sewage and an important arena to be able to jointly face both today and tomorrow’s challenges. This biannual trade fair took place from 24th to 27th of October in Gothenburg (Sweden) and the REWAISE project was well represented by Ola Hansson from WIN.
Within the WIN Innovation Arena, 9 water startups were hosted: BioCell Analytica, Clearwell, Atium, Swedish Hydro Solutions, Watersprint, Spec-Imaging, Sense2bits, PBS Generation and Waltero. The REWAISE project’s goals and innovative ambitions were also shown to the audience.
22/10/2023 ED2T – ResourSEAS
The 2nd International Conference on Energy, Environment & Digital Transition, E2DT, took place from the 22nd to the 25th of October in Palermo (Italy). This event aims at bringing together researchers, engineers, executives and representatives of the institutions to map the transition towards net zero carbon and fully renewable energy.
During the second day of the conference, our colleague Giulio D’Arpa had the pleasure and honour of presenting the paper generated from deliverable 2.11 developed in WP2 entitled Design of evaporation ponds for the fractionated crystallization of minerals from desalination brines.
Stay tuned to REWAISE’s news! Follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.